Find Pakistan Mail Order Brides Or Women For Dating

Pakistani women are still facing gender segregation, but not to the extent it used to be decades ago. Nowadays, Pakistani brides are granted somewhat more freedom and rights, and this is a big win for them.
Best Pakistan Mail Order Brides & Dating Sites

What kind of life are Pakistani women living now and why they’re worth having them as partners for life? Let’s clarify what you should know to buy a bride online from Pakistan.

Where and how to find a Pakistani mail order bride?
Meeting foreign women offline is a fun thing to do. You buy a ticket to another country, book a hotel room, and start approaching women on the streets, in the clubs, etc, etc. It’s even more interesting if you aren’t a fluent speaker of their language — in this case, it’s like a fun flirting game. Some countries are just perfect for that — think Brazil, Ukraine, Spain, etc.
However, it’s definitely not the best thing you can do in Pakistan. This country is Muslim, conservative, and patriarchal, and approaching women on the streets of a patriarchal, conservative, Muslim country doesn’t sound like a good idea. It’s just not safe — the locals will certainly not be happy about it.
But it’s not just “not safe”, it’s also non-efficient. Even if you avoid all the problems, you just won’t be able to meet the woman who 1) wants to date a foreigner 2)has serious intentions about it on the streets of this country.
And that’s exactly when Pakistani mail order bride websites come into play. These services are full of women who dream of meeting a foreign guy from the US, Canada, the UK, or Australia. These sites are just perfect for online dating — and obviously, using these websites is much cheaper than going to Pakistan and living there for 1-2 weeks.
How much does a Pakistani mail order bride cost?
Of course, it’s impossible to “buy” a Pakistani mail order bride. The process of “buying a foreign bride” actually includes online dating and meeting in-person. You’ll have to pay for the premium membership on a dating site, for a trip (typically, a 2-week trip is enough), for dates, gifts, flowers, and all that. The total Pakistani bride cost will be around $4,000 (excluding wedding and adaptation). Now, let’s be more detailed.
- Paid website services: around $100 per month. However, some users spend up to $1,000 per month — it depends on the features you’re going to use (gifts and video chat are usually quite expensive).
- Traveling expenses: $600-$800 for round-trip tickets, $600 for the hotel room (2 weeks), $200 for transportation
- Expenses on dates and entertainment: flowers, dates, and gifts will cost you around $300-$500 for 2 weeks
- Visa fees: the K-1 visa costs $2,025
- Adaptation costs: it depends on you and your bride only — the final cost might be anything from $1,000 to $10,000
- The wedding might cost you $5,000-$10,000, but it depends on a lot of factors (rings, gifts, number of guests, location, season, etc).

What is the life of Pakistani brides nowadays?
In 1947 Pakistani women’s social status has improved a little after years of feminine activism. What has changed since then and how are Pakistani brides perceived now?
Pakistani brides have more rights and better jobs
In Pakistan, most of the citizens are Muslims, and women are perceived as “worse” people compared to men. That’s why they used to get paid less for the same jobs men had.
But now, especially in urban areas, Pakistani women are getting higher salaries and better jobs helping them to provide for themselves and their families. Social interaction and recognition is no longer a taboo for Pakistani brides.
Pakistani wives are becoming more educated
Owing to globalization and improvement of the economic situation in Pakistan, women there can get a higher education and have access to various technologies and services like online dating websites, online courses, etc. They adore communicating via SMS texting, however, they’re active social media users too.
The literacy rate is constantly improving in Pakistan. Now, around 47% of Pakistani brides are literate and know English on a sufficient level, so there won’t be communication issues.
What are the main traits of Pakistani mail order brides?
Although there are more than 15 main ethnicities in Pakistan (and even 73 languages!), there are some similar traits among women from different groups. Let’s have a look at some of them.
Pakistani brides are crafty
Did you know Pakistani women are super handy at crafts? And this not only includes embroidery! Some of the traditional crafts in Pakistan are copper work, calligraphy in Arabic, blue pottery, and wood carving. Have you ever heard of camel-skin lamps? Maybe she’ll make one for you too.
Pakistani wives are religiously hospitable
It’s true: under Islam, a person must show respect and love to any guest of their home. Muslims believe guests are a blessing from God, so they’re treated the best way possible. Your friends will feel like home visiting your place.
Pakistani mail order brides are modest but hot-tempered
In a positive way, Pakistani women don’t chill. They love feasts and holidays, meeting friends, and gathering for a big dinner. Spicy Pakistani women make their traditional food hot too: kebabs, harissa, chicken karahi, and even lassi (yogurt drink) are made with spices!
Pakistani brides love big weddings
At a traditional Pakistani wedding, you’ll see how diverse a country’s culture is. Folk music, mouth-watering food, massively decorated stages, many guests. And all that lasts for 3-6 days! Imagine your wedding like this with a Pakistani bride?
Wrapping up
Although Pakistani wives still don’t enjoy totally equal rights, they’re striving for self-development and are very good at housekeeping, crafts and cooking. Pakistani women know how to treat their husbands and other people, so be sure you’ll find a perfect wife there!